Great dreams require great courage. And for each one who is equal to the task, there are others who come along side to assist us on our journey.
With this sentiment in mind, we pause to consider national challenges of our past, present, and future -- while acknowledging those who have come along side to help make a difference.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Roy Tanner
With Gratitude
While each generation is tested and found grateful in its own way, what was originally celebrated at that first Thanksgiving?
Looking back, we find the custom, of setting aside one day in honor of God’s grace and providence, starting in the 17th century. The 1st (Plymouth) Thanksgiving took place in 1621, in the Fall after the Pilgrims arrived. The British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled by men and women who (in the face of European persecution) refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions.
The New England colonies: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland -- were conceived and established as "plantations of religion." They enthusiastically supported their leaders efforts to create "a city on a hill" for a "holy experiment," whose success would prove that God’s plan for His church could be successfully realized in the American wilderness.
The historic 1620 voyage of the Mayflower started with 102 passengers, lasted 60 days and was perilous to the all lives aboard. This initial landing party, later referred to as Pilgrims, comprised the founders of New England. The difficulty in clearing land, brutal Winter storms, and disease, claimed the lives of over half the colony that first year.
However, by the grace of God, the fortitude of the settlers, and the help of the Wampanoag indians, the Pilgrims prevailed. Considering their good fortune, the original Thanksgiving was motivated by the plentiful harvest, peace and friendship with the natives, and the establishment of a free colony that would honor God.
Since then, Thanksgiving proclamations have followed by City Founders, U.S. Presidents, and successive Congressional bodies, noting God’s protection and provision. In 1777, the Continental Congress proclaimed the 1st national Thanksgiving. Successive proclamations would also follow by Presidents: Washington, Adams, Monroe, Lincoln, and Roosevelt.
In each generation, Thanksgiving has become all the more dear to those who were called upon to prevail in the midst of revolution, civil war, economic depression, and various threats to freedom posed by the ideological spread of Nazism, Communism, and terrorism. And with each trial, Americans summon anew a courage born of the conviction -- that it's in God we trust.
So this Thanksgiving, when we call to mind the providential grace that God has lavished upon us, let us also be mindful of the means to these ends -- the courageous men and women who have gone before us. Let's remember, that as the recipients of their hard-fought gains -- to whom much has been given, much is required.
And may those who have gone before us find us faithful in carrying on the godly traditions that made this country great...with gratitude.
2004 "Thank You" Acknowledgements...
My Top 5 List:
5) President Bush - I believe God raised up a principled servant from Midland, Texas for such a time as this. I also recommend you read David Aikman's book "A Man of Faith," to really grasp what has shaped the life of George W. Bush. I don't know about you, but I personally take great comfort in knowing that the 43rd President of the United States -- the most powerful man in the world, is also a man who daily renews his commitment to live the life -- of a man of faith.
4) Military Veterans - There is no greater love, than to lay down your life for your fellow man. And while ever having to resort to war is tragic in and of itself, in the course of human events, on occasion "just wars" must be waged to prevent even greater human tragedy. So for those who, at great personal sacrifice, have risked life and limb in defense of our country, let me extend my deepest admiration and gratitude. Service men and women of our armed forces -- I salute you.
3) Values Voters - To those who expended their time, talent, and treasure in volunteer work to make the 2004 campaigns and election so successful let me say...thank you. And to those who summoned the courage to look beyond the expedient course of immediate gratification, who prayerfully counted the cost of wearing the mantle of "citizen" in the greatest nation on earth, because you took a stand for righteousness in our time -- future generations will say...thank you.
2) Family & friends - For some reason it seems as if those nearest and dearest to me, never adequately receive the love, appreciation, and gratitude that they so richly deserve -- just for being who you are. So in this season of thanksgiving, allow me to personally acknowledge my wife Wendy, my daughter's Jackie & Erika, my Mom & Dad, my brothers and sisters, my Church family, and my friends elsewhere. You have provided me (and countless others) blessings in this life, that are sure to echo in eternity.
1) The Almighty - Think for a moment. What do we have of any merit or value that wasn't first granted to us from above? Surely all that is praiseworthy comes from Him, and rightly should be for Him, and ultimately will be to Him. And how I long to stand in that assembly which will praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever.
Roy Tanner
The Revolution of a Man's Soul. This is a call to enlist -- to join an army of godly men who want nothing less than to change the world. Of course, that means personal change; a willingness to be transformed from the inside out; to let Christ be not only our Savior but the Sovereign Lord of every area of our lives.
Are you ready for that? Are you willing? Yes, it will involve hardship and sacrifice -- these times require nothing less. And while we honor the valor and sacrifice of our public safety workers and the courageous warriors engaged in the physical battle around the world, we need men willing to represent the Lord in the dangerous, confusing and morally ambiguous times we live in today.
Here in 2004, we at PK realize that as men of God we all have a long way to go. Not only is our country threatened by radical terrorists out to destroy everything we stand for, but our nation continues its moral slide away from God, the Bible and its own Christian heritage. America today is literally under attack from within and without, and yet we seem powerless to stop the slippage, much less bring positive change. Clearly, we're in need of renewal and revival. In short, the revolution of our souls.
In light of this, over the next couple of days (and beyond) we'll be focusing on three "quests." The quest for honor. The quest for nobility. And the quest for enlightenment. As Erwin McManus says in his book Uprising, "God calls you to dream great dreams and to have the courage to live them. Great dreams require great courage."
That's the charge. That's where we're going. There are many more men to reach with the Gospel. Do you hear the call to impact the world around them the way the early disciples did? They were referred to as, "these who have turned the world upside down." I believe that Promise Keepers' best days are still ahead. Join us and let's change the world!
Tom Fortson
More About PK...
Promise Keepers is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; and then helping them to grow as Christians. This is mainly accomplished through their Seven Promises and men's conference ministry. Millions of men have participated since 1990 when PK first began.
The Seven Promises are as follows:
A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.
A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.
A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.
A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources.
A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.
A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (see Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19-20 ).
In Orlando, Fla. - Nov. 6, 2004 - nearly 13,000 men and boys in central Florida worked on the inside… of their lives. Promise Keepers (PK), the international ministry to men, hosted "Uprising - The Revolution of a Man’s Soul" at T.D. Waterhouse Centre. The event was re-scheduled due to the path of Hurricane Charley last August.
Author of Uprising - the book - Erwin McManus outlined the three great quests for men this weekend: Honor, Nobility, and Enlightenment. At the program’s climatic ending on Saturday, the men declared, "I am ready to join the Uprising! I commit to being a revolutionary to living a life of honor and nobility. I will leave those around me better than when I found them."
On Saturday morning, conference attendees raised more than 6000 pounds of canned food for the downtown Orlando Union Rescue Mission.
On Friday night, Missouri camp director and cancer survivor Joe White portrayed a heart surgeon to encourage men to receive "a new heart, a changed heart." More than 2000 men responded to White’s invitation to the Christian faith, 375 of whom confessed Jesus Christ as Lord for the very first time.
Promise Keepers locates one of its U.S. men’s conferences next year at T.D. Waterhouse Centre in Orlando on August 19-20, 2005. The theme for 2005 is "The Awakening." Registration for the 2005 season is available online or by calling 1-800-888-7595.
Revisiting The Big Picture
Prophecy - Signs
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor
Now that the dust has begun to settle -- slightly -- from Election 2004, one can catch a glimpse through the haze at a world in transition. A world that appears to be aligning itself to Bible prophecy for the last days as if deliberately following a script.
I spend almost all my waking hours studying global trends as they pertain to the Bible's description of the last days. An unhappy consequence of this is what could be termed the 'yawn factor' -- something along the lines of the old saying, 'familiarity breeds contempt'.
'Contempt' is not the right word, which is why I named it the 'yawn factor'. Some of you will be able to relate, I think.
For example, I recall how incredibly excited I was by a December issue of TIME Magazine in 1992 devoted to coverage of the emerging European Union.
The magazine was filled with unintended apocalyptic imagery, such as the use of the symbol of Europa astride Minos (a woman astride a beast). In the magazine, Minos (the beast) was even colored scarlet by the artist!
("So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. -- Revelation 17:3)
The new EU consisted of ten full member states and there was much speculation about how that would influence the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations, since four of its members were European, giving the new European Union an automatic majority.
Even more stunning was TIME's publication of the EU's commemorative stamp, depicting Europa riding the beast over a stream in which there were porpoises jumping, symbolizing the EU's vastly expanded control of the world's waterways.
("Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:" -- Revelation 17:1)
Boy, did that get my blood to pumping! But that was a dozen years ago, and it opened the floodgates for so many other fulfillments of prophecy for the last days that, after awhile, the 'gee whiz' factor began to fade and the 'yawn factor' took over.
Now and then, it helps to step back and look at the Big Picture to rekindle that excitement. Particularly following some world-changing event such as Election 2004.
For the last dozen years, the world has been lurching toward a single, seminal event in human history -- a global effort to remove the last physical reminder of God [Israel] from the face of the earth.
During the Tribulation Period, the Church is absent, removed by the Rapture. The Tribulation saints are those Jews and Gentiles who get saved during the final seven years of human government.
Earlier this week, I received an email from a disgruntled Canadian liberal I know that included his own version of the US electoral map.
My friend clearly intended the parody map as an insult to the collective intelligence of the American voter, but it could not have come as a higher compliment. Indeed, it got my blood flowing in much the same way as that twelve-year old TIME Magazine article did.
When one considers the Rapture as the possible answer to the question, "Where is America in Bible Prophecy?" -- the concept of America as 'JesusLand' is quite encouraging. The emergence of 'JesusLand' dovetails with the ever-expanding role of the European Union in the global political scene, particularly in the Middle East.
The EU continues to seek ways to insinuate itself into the Arab/Israeli peace process, convinced that Washington is too pro-Israel to be an honest broker.
The war on terror comes at exactly the right moment in history for the EU's argument to have credibility, particularly since a Bush presidency politically unencumbered, by virtue of its recent mandate, will be much more likely to expand the battlefield to include Syria and Iran.
While Israel is extremely wary of Europe's rampant anti-Semitism, if the EU offers a credible hope for peace, the Israelis have already proved they will bargain with anyone. (After all, they bargained with Yasser Arafat.)
Now, with Yasser Arafat dead (although being kept warm by life support -- think 'Weekend at Bernie's 2") the various Palestinian factions (all 14 of them) are re-evaluating their failed war with Israel.
It isn't too optimistic to suggest they may actually reverse course as a last resort and resume efforts towards a negotiated settlement with Israel.
Such a settlement would obviously include taking down Israel's hated security fence, creating the modern 'land of unwalled villages' described by Ezekiel for the last days. It would undoubtedly include some kind of settlement regarding Jerusalem and the Temple Mount -- it is not impossible to envision the two sides sharing the complex -- there is enough room -- provided the EU were able to offer some credible security guarantees.
Despite its protests of friendship with the West, Russia continues to pursue it's policy of forging alliances with Middle East dictatorships. Despite the war on terror, Moscow continues to facilitate terror groups like Hezbollah through its relationship with Iran (Persia).
The EU, despite consisting nominally of 28 states, is divided into different tiers of membership, with the original ten members remaining the only 'full' members of the EU. The original ten ("Old Europe") is where we find the most virulent anti-American bloc of European states. The newer members, mostly from Eastern Europe, having been freed from Soviet domination by the US, are much more pro-America.
Daniel's image of Revived Rome's ten toes, partly strong and partly weak, like 'iron mixed with miry clay' (Daniel 2:41) could not be more perfectly descriptive.
So, stepping back to look at the Big Picture, as we approach the close of the 4th year of the 21st century, it looks something like this:
JesusLand is going forth to do battle with the forces of Islam, which has dedicated itself to the destruction of both Israel and JesusLand. At the same time, revived Rome is seeking some kind of accommodation with Islamic terror, while simultaneously jockeying for a role in the post-Yasser Arafat peace process.
Russia continues to develop its Islamic alliances in the Middle East, playing both sides against the middle in the war on terror, a practice that can only lead to an eventual confrontation with Israel. With JesusLand removed from the picture, Israel would be the only physical reminder on earth that Islam's Allah is an imposter god.
The U.N.'s Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, heavily backed by the EU, is advancing the concept first enunciated by Episcopal Bishop William Swing for a United Religions Zone. They've been working on the details since the Millennium Peace Summit held in New York in August, 2000.
Only one thing holds back the forces of Islam, keeps the EU in its place, ensures Israel's continued survival, restrains the Gog-Magog alliance, prevents the antichrist from seizing global power and dooms the UN's Millennium Peace Summit's United Religion Zone's plan to mediocrity.
It's time to get excited! It is time to get off the couch and shout from the housetops that Jesus is coming soon for His Church. For the last dozen years, we've witnessed the final preparations for the coming Tribulation come together at breakneck speed.
The world is primed and ready for that charismatic leader to arise from the revived Roman Empire and announce a solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict that has raged, virtually unabated, for the last four thousand years.
It is ready for a kinder, gentler, more inclusive religious system that eschews fundamentalism and embraces diversity, a global religious system that includes everybody except Jesus.
It is tired of Israel, sick to death of hearing about the Holocaust, unimpressed by Israel's Biblical deed to the Holy Land, and prepared to impose a solution on the Jews, whether they like it or not.
But JesusLand is in the way. For now.
"And when these things BEGIN TO COME TO PASS, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)
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